HEADER Salem State University Marsh Hall Image 6

Salem State University Marsh Residence Hall

Colliers Project Leaders provided commissioning services for the Marsh Residence Hall which provides 525-beds and features rooftop decks, conference rooms, spacious apartments for faculty, a fitness center, a lounge with pool and air-hockey tables, and a dining commons.


Salem State University


Salem, MA

Project Scale

$57.5 Million, 158,000 gsf

LEED Gold Certified residence hall with dining commons & fitness center.

Colliers Project Leaders provided commissioning services for the Marsh Residence Hall which provides 525-beds and features rooftop decks, conference rooms for 50 or more, spacious apartments for faculty in residence, a fitness center, a lounge with pool and air-hockey tables, and a "dining commons" that serves all-you-can-eat meals.

The LEED Gold Marsh Hall was Salem State University’s first building to receive LEED Certification. Sustainable features include solar panels on green roofs that are completely covered in vegetation, 10,000 square feet of bamboo throughout the building, water-saving toilets, the significant use of recycled materials, energy saving mechanical systems, and a vegetated swale water reclamation system.

We were engaged to provide commissioning services in accordance with the Massachusetts LEED Plus standards required to meet the requirements for EA Prerequisite 1, Fundamental Commissioning and EA Credit 3, Enhanced Commissioning.

In the role as commissioning agent, Colliers was responsible for verifying that the following critical components were met:

  • The systems and equipment met the functional needs of the staff, students, and the University.
  • The building achieved an energy performance of at least 24.5% below the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2004, exceeding the MA LEED Plus requirements.
  • Maximization of the energy efficiency of systems selected while accommodating the Owner’s needed to minimize maintenance requirements.
  • All new systems and equipment were accessible for operations and maintenance personnel.

In addition, we provided commissioning services for the new 117,000 square foot Viking Residence Hall which is comprised of approximately 400 student beds.